This training was hosted at the British Council headquarters in London.

The UK partners and our local partners developed a suite of training materials, resulting in four units: What is online hate speech; Safety & impact of online hate speech; Myths, lies & truth; and suggested classroom activities.

The focus was very much on engaging schoolchildren from upper primary to lower secondary.We presented these materials and practised some of the activities in groups.

 We distributed USBs to all participants which included all of the materials in Word format, so that they are free to edit and adapt the materials to their own classroom, and try them out in their school.

 Eric Murangwa, a survivor of the 1993 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, who now runs Survivors Tribune in the UK with a message about the dangers of hateful speech, presented during these training days.

 We were very pleased with the mix of participants which included teachers, trainee teachers, their trainers, and teams from education authorities who work with schools. The enthusiasm and level of participation was also very encouraging.

 We are planning to run a follow-up session in March or April 2018 where participants will be able to report back on their use of the materials in their schools.

 The training is part of Coalition of Positive Messengers to Counter Online Hate Speech and was in partnership with Goldsmiths University of London, the British Council, University of Cambridge & Survivors Tribune.