Sensibilisation Campaign against Hate Speech - March 2018
On Wednesday 14th of March ,on Thursday 15th and on Monday 19th of March the students of the 2nd and 1st High School of Kamatero and the students of the 4th High School of Aghii Anargiri respectively had the opportunity to actively participate in a sensibilisation intervention against online hate speech. This event was organised by the Social Policy Department of the Municipality of Aghii Anargiri Kamatero with the collaboration of the Department of Culture and the Prevention Center “Phaethon”.
The students had the chance to familiarise with the concepts of hate speech ,tolerance , cyber bullying and to conceive the dangers that are undergoing online. Through the discussion that followed the participants came up all together to the possible measures that we should adopt in order to confront the above mentioned issues. Finally , the students watched the movie called “Trust me” , that is about a teenage girl deceived by a man through internet and all the consequences in her own life and in her family's life.
More specifically these events are part of the sensibilisation campaign against online hate speech of the project : Coalition of Positive Messengers To Counter Online Hate Speech, co-funded by the European Commission – Directorate-General Justice. The campaign's aim is to inform the citizens about the concept of online hate speech and the method to come up against it . At the same time the campaign's target is to develop positive messages based on the respect of human rights on everyday life. The campaign aims at students, teachers, parents, elderly and vulnerable groups like immigrants, single-parents, young drop-outs etc.
Moreover part of the campaign is an innovative project called “ΜOVEMENTS AND EMOTIONS ABOUT HATE SPEECH THROUTH THE LENCE LIGHT” – «KINHΣΕΙΣ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΝΑΙΣΘΗΜΑΤΑ ΓΙΑ ΤΗ ΡΗΤΟΡΙΚΗ ΜΙΣΟΥΣ ΜΕΣΑ ΑΠΟ ΤΟ ΒΛΕΜΜΑ ΤΟΥ ΦΑΚΟΥ». It's a project that combines interaction, theatrical games, role-playing and through the help of photography the participants try to convey emotions, human rights values and develop positive messages against hate speech. The project is planned on three axes: sensibilisation through role-playing , highlighting emotions and dramatization of domininant moments. This project is being realised with the active participation of the Second Chance School students. Especially, on Thursday 15th of March the students participated in an interactive photography workshop aiming at capturing everyday's pictures carrying the burden of hate speech and lack of tolerance. The highlight of the project will be a photography exhibition and competition that is going to take place on Tuesday 27th of March in the Second Chance School premises ,with the collaboaration of the Department of Culture and the Press Office.